Hand-drawn visuals by Stefan 

Visual storytelling as part of your communication strategy

Stefan Kruis tekent op iPad

Meet stefan 

  • Graphic Recorder and multimedia designer 
  • Almost 10 years experience in graphic recording and visual communication tools like prompting boards and visual maps 
  • Live graphic recordings and digital work 
  • Recording meetings in English and Dutch 
  • Stefan knows how to visualize conversations. His drawings give clarity and will be remembered. 

Examples of his work 

His approach 

Visual storytelling as part of your communication strategy result in more engaged audiences. People listen better because they are not distracted by all the text they see. I try to make my visuals as simple and compelling possible, because with clear images people understand the message better. Additionally, giving a story instead of pure facts makes that they remember better wat has been told. When participants see the drawing again they can tell the story themselves. Now it is not only the story of the key speaker, but it is a common story of the whole group. 

What others say about Stefan and his work 

It is inspiring to see how we developed the last couple of years 

During an event we asked Stefan to visualize new products and the evaluation of our customers of the past year. For me to see everything brought together in one prompt-board felt so rewarding. It is a great way to show the whole organization what they have been working for. We were very happy with the result. 

From frustration to ideal situation 

Due to the covid pandemic we had to work differently than before. Adapting to these changes wasn't always easy. During a live meeting we invited Stefan to address the difficulties of the new situation. Together we came with a roadmap for the ideal new way of working. With this visualization of Stefan we turned something negative into something positive. 

Using time and resources effectively 

In order to make a lasting impression we asked Stefan to make a visualization. Politicians do not have so much time and they need to read so many pages that we decided to take a different path. With this visualization we grabbed the attention of a member of the parlement and were able to get our message through.